
Need help with ficus benjamina #310868

Asked April 03, 2016, 1:25 PM EDT


I have two ficus benjamina that are about 7 years old.  I have not been consistent about pruning.  About 1.5 months ago I trimmed them way, way back (to no leaves) in an attempt to get them in better shape and control the growth.  I also repotted them, cutting back the over grown roots and loosening them up.

I put them back on the patio that gets direct sunlight.  Unfortunately they haven't shown any signs of coming back.  I'm afraid I may have killed them.  Do uou have any suggestions?   I don't want to give up on them 

Orange County California

Expert Response


That is a lot of stress for the ficus benjamina,  They are typically very picky plants.  It may have been more stress than they could handle at one time.  A good way to see if they are still alive is to take your finger or thumbnail and scrape away at the branches.  If you see green under the bark, they are still alive.  If not, they are most likely dead.  If still alive, keep them watered, but do not overwater them.  Make sure there is good drainage in the pot, so if they are overwatered, the excess water can come out the bottom.  You may also want to give them a little bit of fertilizer.  Make sure to read the fertilizer label and do not apply more than what is recommended.   Hope this helps. 
The Question Asker Replied April 08, 2016, 1:08 PM EDT

Thanks for getting back to me. I looked at the today and one is showing new growth!!  The other has green under the bark. I will fertilize and water as recommended.  Most of all I will leave them be to recover.  

Thanks again. Its great to have a place to go with these kinds of questions.  

The Question Asker Replied April 09, 2016, 10:50 AM EDT

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