
White spots on weeping white pine #309501

Asked March 27, 2016, 9:19 PM EDT

Our weeping white pine is about 5 years old and looks healthy. Today I saw numerous white spots on its branches, mostly on the newer growth. Could it be fungus or insects? Not sure if I need to be concerned. Attached are pictures.

York County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

That looks like pine leaf adelgid. To make sure, you can take a sample to your local Penn State Extension (here is a link). Spraying horticultural oil on adelgids will suffocate them, but you will have to persist because they come back from untreated treas. Here is a link to a publication on controlling pine leaf adelgid. They mention chemical controls as well, but it can become expensive to use chemicals since you have to treat the trees every time a new batch of adelgids arrives. They also mention beetles as a biological control,
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 06, 2016, 1:04 PM EDT

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