
How do I get rid of this weed? #308977

Asked March 24, 2016, 2:53 PM EDT

This weed showed up in our lawn this year and we tried weed be gone with no success. Any ideas of how to get rid of it?

Lynchburg County Virginia

Expert Response

Unfortunately, I am unable to confidently identify the weed from your picture.  I suggest that you take a sample to your local office of Virginia Cooperative Extension for identification and recommendations for control.  You can find your office at this website.  Or if you have a good full service garden center near you, they may be able to identify it for you.  Knowing what you are trying to treat is key to finding the right treatment.  Some weeds are more difficult to eliminate than others, some requiring multiple treatments of very specific chemicals to effectively control.  

Good luck with your weed problem.   I'm sorry I was not able to be more help.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 25, 2016, 7:34 AM EDT

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