spruce tree diseases #308846
Asked March 23, 2016, 8:08 PM EDT
I called a city & county of Denver arborist, but received no response.
Denver County Colorado
Expert Response
It sounds like your tree is going through winter desiccation. If the needles are turning brown from the outside inward, that is probably the issue. It has been a dry March until these past two storms so it is important to winter water your trees. Here is a fact sheet on how to winter water:
Also, I could not tell from your picture because it was not quite in focus but you may also have Cooley Spruce gall. Here is some information on this if insect and the galls it causes if you start seeing strange growth:
I hope this helps.
Hi there,
I was emailing with Robert Cox who is the extension agent for Arapahoe County
and he had the following response:
Those tufts of purplish needles result from last May’s new shoots that were damaged by the May 11th cold snap. New spruce needles are more succulent/tender than year-old needles that have just survived winter cold.
See attached photos – more new shoot injury resulting from the May 11 (“Mother’s Day Freeze”). Buds opening to new growth this May will hopefully not get hit by the same sort of late cold snap.
Please let us know if you have any more questions or concerns.