
using Noxall on Bracken fern near ornamental cherry tree #307066

Asked March 14, 2016, 5:51 PM EDT

I would like to permanently kill and remove all the bracken fern in my Garden that has many rocks. I used noxall a few months ago carefully avoiding the ornamental cherry; so far I don't see any new shoots but I want to confirm that there won't be any. I do not want to harm the ornamental cherry tree or Holly or rhododendron.  Ultimately the reason for doing this, is to plant this area with more azaleas and/or hydrangeas. I understand that I may need to wait Another year before planting them if I use noxall again.  Should I use Knox all again or is there another product that would permanently kill the ferns?

Columbia County Oregon

Expert Response

2,6-Dichlorobenzonitrile (Dichlobenil) if applied in accordance with the instructions for use, it will not affect any trees or shrubs with root systems situated underneath the herbicidal barrier. The treated area may be totally or partially non-productive for one or more years. Make sure to follow package instructions carefully, this product can volatilize at temperatures above 70 degrees. Apply this product from late fall through early spring. Applications in the Northeast and upper Midwest should be made in early spring after the ground has thawed. Do not apply to frozen ground or over the top of snow.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 16, 2016, 1:02 AM EDT

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