
What is this plant? #306976

Asked March 14, 2016, 1:07 PM EDT

Please identify this plant.

Clarke County Georgia

Expert Response


What a beautiful flower!  However I cannot immediately identify it, but would like to know what it is.  Is this a current photo?  Taken in Clarke County? 

Please call us here at the Master Gardener Help Desk at the ACC Extension Office so we can discuss it with you. <personal data hidden>, or better yet, please consider bringing a sample here.  2152 W. Broad Street, Athens.


An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 15, 2016, 11:53 AM EDT
Unfortunately, the photo does not show the stems and leaves of the plant.  Nonetheless, I think it is certainly a mustard (belonging to the Cruciferae or Brassicaceae) based on the four petals and overall architecture of the flowers and inflorescence.  It is most likely Lunaria annua, which is commonly called "Money Plant" or "Honesty."  If it were flowering later in the season, it could be Hesperis matronalis, commonly called "Dame's Rocket."  If it is Lunaria, the pods will be round, and the leaves will roughly heart-shaped with toothed edges.  If Hesperis, the pods will be long and thin and the leaves will be elongated and lance shaped.

I hope this helps.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 18, 2016, 11:04 AM EDT

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