
Canker on willow tree #306192

Asked March 10, 2016, 3:06 PM EST

Hi There... I have a large Willow tree that has had this problem for a very long time. The tree is at least 40 foot tall. I wanted to see if you knew what was wrong with it. I think it's some kind of canker but I'm not sure. I live in St. Mary's County in Southern Maryland. Photos are attached. Thank you for your help. 

St. Mary's County Maryland

Expert Response

It is impossible to tell exactly what is going on with your willow from photos.
Willows are susceptible to multiple bacterial and fungal diseases which cause dieback. As you have seen, it can go on for years, and is not really practical to suggest treatment for a homeowner, other than removal of as much dead wood and fallen leaves out of the yard as possible to reduce the pathogen load in your environment. It is a personal decision when the tree has lost enough of it's vigor to become an eyesore or a hazard, but this publication could help you decide if removal is an option at some point:
If the tree still looks good in general, you could have a certified arborist or two come to your home to make an on-site evaluation of the tree's health, and make further recommendations. You can search for a certified arborist, who is a tree health expert here:


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