
Soft Wooded Tree - Purple Flowers #299694

Asked February 05, 2016, 3:03 AM EST

A client of mine has this Shrub / tree growing in a corner of her garden. It is very soft and fibrous and not very strong although it does grow to about 3m high. The client says to me it gets purple flowers which are very pretty almost looking like chrysanthemum flowers. The new leaves are fresh and bright green but quickly collapse after a week or two hanging down the side of the stem and quickly going mushy then dry. 

County Outside United States

Expert Response

Thank you for contacting eXtension. We have not been able to identify this plant yet and it might help if you could send us more information about it. For instance, where is it located geographically? If you have a photo of the blossom, which sounds quite distinctive, that could be very helpful.
The Question Asker Replied February 11, 2016, 10:57 PM EST

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