
How do I manage my asparagus plants for winter? #277666

Asked September 12, 2015, 3:21 PM EDT

My asparagus is now at the end of the second year. I picked a few and it has been going wild ever since. My question is what do i do with it? Just let it die back on its own, or do I cut at ground level for winter? I am on the southern coast in Langlois.

Curry County Oregon

Expert Response

Hello and thanks for contacting Extension.
It looks like your asparagus is pretty happy and will probably continue to be with the care it appears to receiving.  If you wait until it turns yellow/brown, that would be the best time to cut it back, so still somewhat later this fall would be the best.  The 'ferns' will keep on feeding the plant until they die back.  It also would be best to cut back to the ground within an inch or two once you do so.  This will help limit the insects that may otherwise winter over.
Scott Thiemann Replied September 14, 2015, 4:19 PM EDT

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