
Bug stains #273935

Asked August 29, 2015, 2:31 PM EDT

We have lake home close to Alexandria. This past week we have been told there was a flying bug infestation. You couldn't even go outside, looked kinda like mayfly/large mosquito. They have left greenish stains all over our vinyl siding. Doesn't come off with soap and power washing. What were they? Any suggestions to get stain off short of insurance claim. We have been here 15 years and have never seen this before Karen Boehne. <personal data hidden>

Douglas County Minnesota

Expert Response


This may well have been mayflies during the mating cycle. In the evenings, they are attracted to buildings by porch lights, etc. I cannot find any research that talks about the stains they leave, but here is info from the U:

Have you tried bleach or vinegar on the stains? I don't know what will work if powerwashing didn't!

Thank you for your inquiry and good luck! Replied August 31, 2015, 11:45 AM EDT

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