
i have a plant that i hav... #270912

Asked August 17, 2015, 6:25 PM EDT

i have a plant that i have left grow in my garden........leaf looks like a pumpkin or squash & it seems to be taking over also now it has begun to set pods on any ideas????? I have attempted to upload (3) photos, plant, flowers & pods

Warren County Ohio

Expert Response

I have paged through my entire copy of Weeds of the Northeast and have not found anything that resembles your interloper. BTW thanks for the great pictures. So I think it is not a weed; more likely some mysterious result of cross pollination. Resubmit the question, if you want someone else to take another crack at it. I am stumped.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 18, 2015, 11:31 AM EDT

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