
Juniper Infested with "Worms" #270692

Asked August 17, 2015, 3:12 AM EDT

My Hollywood Juniper has been infested with some kind of cocoons growing all over it ~ hundreds of them & they are hatching out!!!  Could you please identify this problem & what can I do to manage this problem.
The poor thing is suffering & seems to be dying.   I about ready to chop it down.  I have another Hollywood Juniper nearby & it is not affected at all.

Cullman County Alabama

Expert Response

It sounds like your plant is infested with bagworms. Check out this publication for details on this pest:

Call if you have further questions.

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An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 17, 2015, 2:01 PM EDT
Right on target ~ Chopped the infested tree down & burned as it was too much to hand pick and too costly to treat, hopefully keeping my other tress from getting infested.    Thank You ~ Very Informative info.
The Question Asker Replied August 25, 2015, 5:00 AM EDT

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