What happened to my spice bush? - Ask Extension
What happened to my spice bush? It looks like it died because it did not get enough water, but the plant next to it is doing fine. Also, the plant i...
What happened to my spice bush? #269744
Asked August 12, 2015, 9:12 PM EDT
What happened to my spice bush? It looks like it died because it did not get enough water, but the plant next to it is doing fine. Also, the plant in question seems to have started with graying areas on the leaves. Hopefully, you can see the pictures well enough despite the English ivy beneath, which I am gradually pulling but don't want the hill to wash away before I get some new and native plants in there.
Anne Arundel County Maryland
Expert Response
Spice bush are almost disease and pest free and highly stress tolerant, however they have been known to get botryospheria canker. Normally it would affect scattered branches which would require removal. Here is a good link from Rutgers about care:http://www.steveslandscaping.net/PDFs/Plant%20Canker%20Diseases.pdf
With this plant, however, it is in the small amount of top growth. It is probably too far gone and should be entirely removed, although the fungus doesn't get into the roots.
With this plant, however, it is in the small amount of top growth. It is probably too far gone and should be entirely removed, although the fungus doesn't get into the roots.
Thanks for your response and the Fact Sheet from Rutgers. They are very helpful and I will remove the poor plant tomorrow! I have a couple of follow up questions. Can I plant a new spice bush in that area? Should I worry about the spice bush next to the diseased one? I got them both this spring from Adkins Arboretum. (I also got one from Adkins last fall that is only about 20 feet away. Neither is showing any signs of trouble.) Should I notify Adkins about the problem? To my knowledge none of my other plants have this disease, though I have a number of the plants that Rutgers lists as susceptible, including a white ash that the spice bushes are planted under. Why do you suppose the disease attacked this one plant? Thanks for your thoughts. cl
Yes, you can plant a new spice bush in the area. Botryospheria is around, but usually only makes headway in a plant that is stressed for some reason--mostly drought. Spice bush rarely have the problem. You don't need to notify Adkins.
There are always minute differences between similar looking plants and similar locations. Maybe the plant that died missed a watering when it was still in the container and its root system was a little less robust. Impossible to say. But, they are terrific plants and flourish in Maryland. Sounds like you're improving your property in valuable ways.
There are always minute differences between similar looking plants and similar locations. Maybe the plant that died missed a watering when it was still in the container and its root system was a little less robust. Impossible to say. But, they are terrific plants and flourish in Maryland. Sounds like you're improving your property in valuable ways.