
problem with vinca #267728

Asked August 05, 2015, 10:11 AM EDT

Each year my vinca plants do well until late July/August when almost overnight the plants begin to shrivel up. Other people in my neighborhood have the same problem. Is this a soil based fungal disease - if so are there any sprays to prevent it.

Baltimore City County Maryland

Expert Response

Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, or annual vinca can be susceptible to root rots.  Look at the root system.  Roots should be firm and white.  If the soil is heavy clay and poorly drained this is an issue.  If the roots got damaged during the wet periods that we had, this may have affected the plants.
Growing in a well drained soil is a necessity. Make sure mulch is no thicker than two inches and keep away from the base of the stems. Warm temperatures, good drainage, and full sun are needed for best performance. It does not demand a lot of fertilizer and likes to be kept on the dry side. There are no sprays to control this.  Next year you may want to grow another annual flower such as portulaca, marigolds, or begonias.

See the publication from Clemson for more information     mh

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