
sick peach tree #267161

Asked August 03, 2015, 1:19 PM EDT

I would like to know what I can treat the peach tree in the attached photo with so that the tree will return to being healthy. I acquired 6 fruit trees with the purchase of my new home in Caroline County. The previous owners informed me that they used organic practices with the fruits. One plum tree never leafed- but I don't think they realized it was dead. There are two peach trees and now one has developed this seeping sap- which is quite hard on the outward bubble edge. Some fruit on the second tree is now showing the same problem. I sprayed for Japanese beetles using "seven" spray.

Caroline County Maryland

Expert Response

Peaches are prone to peach tree borers, once the tree has become infested, they will weaken to where it will eventually die. Peaches are also short lived,some growers will have a 6 to 8 year rotation. If you are serious about home fruit production,follow a preventative spray schedule available on line .


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