
Is hemp dogbane poisonous to livestock? #266151

Asked July 30, 2015, 12:39 PM EDT

I have a hay field that has been overtaken by hemp dogbane. Is this plant poisonous to cows, horses, goats, or sheep? We will spray for it after cutting, but are trying to figure out if this batch of hay will be OK to feed.

York County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

There is conflicting information about how toxic hemp dogbane might be. It is generally accepted that there is risk of poisoning all animal classes from grazing or feeding dried hemp dogbane. Research on poisonous plants is difficult and often depends on weather, soils, animal genetics, etc. If considering feeding a potentially poisonous plant, you should consult a veterinarian. Hemp dogbane is a weed with a vigorous root system and should be controlled in hay fields and pastures.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 02, 2015, 10:49 PM EDT

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