
Unknown Bug #265859

Asked July 29, 2015, 12:11 PM EDT

Last night I was taking photos in my rain garden when I noticed an unusual (to me) bug on one of my echinacea plants. It was stuck on one blossom trying to get to another blossom. Quick mover, could reach and hold itself extended, but never enough to get to the next blossom. Crawled all over the petals and the cone, but never went down the stem. Any ideas? Thank you, Wanda J. Kothlow

Faribault County Minnesota

Expert Response

The arthropod in the photo is a kind of sow bug.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 29, 2015, 12:16 PM EDT
We may have trouble with the link to information about sow bugs. Please reply and let us know whether this gets you to the proper website:

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 29, 2015, 12:40 PM EDT
Thank you! Now I can add that to my list of photographed bugs! Blessings, Wanda The second link worked (@ 12:40). The first one went to the sweat bee (@12:16) Thanks Again.
The Question Asker Replied July 29, 2015, 12:44 PM EDT

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