
What is this heart-shaped climbing vine? #265049

Asked July 26, 2015, 5:48 PM EDT

Can you identify this for me? My daughter bought all her annual flowers separately and planted them in planters with store bought soil. Can you identify this heart-shaped climbing vine? It all of a sudden showed up in her planters. Is it a weed? Thanks!

Stearns County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for the question.  The vine might be climbing false buckwheat Fallopian scandens or black bindweed Fallopian convolvulus.  If you let it flower, you might be able to tell which one it is.  Climbing false buckwheat is a perennial plant that can have showy flowers but is fast growing and aggressive.  Black bindweed is a fast growing weedy annual plant that can be invasive.  If you let it grow and bloom, be sure to remove the plant before it goes to seed to prevent future unwanted recurrence.  Read about each plant here:

Thank you for contacting Extension.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 28, 2015, 11:53 AM EDT

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