
White oak drops leaves #264778

Asked July 25, 2015, 2:03 PM EDT

Dear expert, Our white oak trees losing leaves mainly from lower branches. It looks that trees have some kind of disease. If you have any suggestions what we can do it would be very helpful. Please find pictures attached. We appreciate your help. Thank you, Helen, Vladimir

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

The photos show galls. They are the tree's reaction to an insect laying an egg on the leaf. Although unsightly, they are not harmful. Some years there are a lot of galls and some years very few. There have been a lot of galls on all varieties of trees this year. As far as losing leaves from the ground up, if they are turning yellow before they fall, it may be anthracnose, also very common during humid, hot months. You can try to match symptoms by going to our diagnostic page.  Here is more information on anthracnose:

Barbara, Anoka County MG, TCA Replied July 25, 2015, 2:49 PM EDT

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