
Little tiny flying bugs that come from the window sill! #262958

Asked July 18, 2015, 3:21 PM EDT


Lately i've been noticing these tiny little flying brownish bugs that are clearly coming from my bed room window sill. They are usually located between the sliding brackets at that base of the window. Funny thing is, i keep my window closed so how they're appearing at this sepcific location beats me...

My bed room is well maintained and phenomenally clean! No food lying around or anything in that nature to attract bugs, so i'm in need of desperate help to solve this alien attack mystery!!!

Here are a couple of pics i took of one that i captured alive. I've browsed the internet trying to find images to identify it's species but no luck... Please help me identify these unwelcome guest and a possible solution if possible.

Regards, Chris

Clark County Nevada

Expert Response

it is not unusual to find bugs on window sills most of the time they have come in from some where else and are trying to escape through the window. they see the light from the window and think it is a way out (they are not the smartest guys). they could be coming drains (especially sinks that are not used often and the pee trap does not always have water in it)  or fungus gnats from potted plants.  I have sent your pix to our state entomologist to look at.  please email me in a week MLR <personal data hidden> 
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 27, 2015, 1:15 PM EDT

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