I have these tiny flies o... - Ask Extension
I have these tiny flies on my morning glory in the morning primarily. The leaf you see in the picture is a maximum of 3 inches in each direction. I th...
I have these tiny flies o... #260194
Asked July 08, 2015, 11:09 AM EDT
I have these tiny flies on my morning glory in the morning primarily. The leaf you see in the picture is a maximum of 3 inches in each direction. I think it lays or leaves something on the leaf that eventually eat large holes in the leaves as well as the flowers. It eats old as well as new foliage. Can you identify it and tell me what to do? Thank you.
Hennepin County Minnesota
Expert Response
I believe this is a long-legged fly (Dolichopus spp.). This is a beneficial insect. They do not feed on plants, but preys on other insects like aphids, thrips and on spider mites. There is apparently some other insect feeding on your plants. You want to encourage the long legged flies.
Thanks Julie for your response. I do think that the long- legged fly is what I have on my morning glories. Do you have any idea how I can identify what is preying on the morning glories if I don't see anything doing the damage? I've attached a photo of the leaves.
That is too bad! Is the damage only on your morning glories? Did you have hail damage in recent storms?
Yes, it is only on the morning glory leaves and some of their flowers. We've had no hail damage.
Thanks for the picture. It's hard to say exactly what is eating your leaves without seeing the pest or a sign of the pest (webbing, slime, etc.). Earwigs came to mind because we have had such damp weather. Here's a publication on earwigs:
Getting more light and airflow to the plant can be helpful in drying out damp areas where earwigs like to hang out. Cleaning up plant debris around and under your plants and maybe thinning out stems if foliage is really heavy.
If you find the pest, send me a picture!
Getting more light and airflow to the plant can be helpful in drying out damp areas where earwigs like to hang out. Cleaning up plant debris around and under your plants and maybe thinning out stems if foliage is really heavy.
If you find the pest, send me a picture!