
What's killing my silver linden tree? #258479

Asked July 01, 2015, 11:35 AM EDT

I bought a two year old linden tree from a local nursery and had a tree expert plant it in early June to replace a diseased maple that had to be cut down.  It arrived with drooping leaves and within two days, showed symptoms of transplant shock (first photo). I amended the soil, watered the tree and sprinkled the leaves with a hose as directed. The browning of the leaves didn't get any worse. But last week, something started defoliating the leaves. (second photo). Can you tell me what is doing this? I thought maybe it was sawflies but I can find no larvae or bugs on the tree. 

Cheatham County Tennessee

Expert Response

First question, did you plant it in the exact same spot that the maple tree was removed from?

By your description, it sounds like the tree was stressed before it was ever planted.  Also, June is not the best time to plant trees and we had several hot dry periods in between scattered rainfall.  So, it could be overall transplant stress.  The feeding on the leaves looks like Japanese beetle damage. 

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 02, 2015, 11:06 AM EDT
Thanks, Karla. No, it was planted nearby but not over the old spot. I'll keep my eye out for Japanese beetles.

The Question Asker Replied July 02, 2015, 3:29 PM EDT
OK!  Jus make sure to keep the tree well watered throughout hot, dry periods.  Thoroughly wet the soil down about 6 - 8 inches deep to make sure the roots are getting the moisture they need.  Linden's are good tree's once you get them established but the Japanese Beetles do love them!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 06, 2015, 11:31 AM EDT

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