
Is this Oak Wilt? #257566

Asked June 27, 2015, 3:08 PM EDT

Should we cut down this tree? Is there any treatment for this disease? We thought tree was dying from not enough water so attached gator bag. It has not recovered so is this Oak Wilt? Thanks

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

The tree in the photo looks young and the top of the tree looks good.  Most likely you are dealing with a transplant issue.  When the tree was planted the root system was most likely affected and it is trying to establish itself in its new location.

New trees are  frequently stressed by lack of water. Also, if you added a lot of organic amendments to the planting hole that can also hold water in the hole creating a bathtub effect. A light soil mix placed where it is surrounded by heavy soil results in trapped water and this affects the root system.
Make sure you check the moisture weekly if we do not get rain. You may need to probe with a screwdriver. Do not overwater. Keep the tree well watered up until the ground freezes. Mulch to conserve moisture and should be no thicker than several inches and keep away from the base of the tree.  Monitor the tree throughout the growing season for any additional symptoms. 
See our publication on Planting Tips for Trees


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