
How do I clean up after a contamination with raccoon feces? #255436

Asked June 19, 2015, 11:27 AM EDT

Yesterday three young raccoons entered my sunroom through an open dog door and decided to hang out for the day. They accidentally closed the door and became trapped sometime during the night. They spent some time going through everything, climbing all over everything, and they urinated and defecated on the tile floor and on things left on the floor like a bookbag, toys, etc. They did eventually leave, but now we are on cleanup duty. I have read some horrifying information online about the type of diseases, including roundworms, that their feces carries. I have spent some time washing everything with soapy water, but wondered if this was a safe and effective way to protect my family and pets from being infected should these racoons have been infected with anything. Before I knew for sure that it was raccoons, I took the bookbag out of the sunroom and hosed it off in the yard. The fresh feces washed into the grass. Now I am worried that I have contaminated my yard! How concerned should I be about the spread of disease? And what is the best way to clean my belongings and sunroom which is a combination of wood and tile to prevent disease.

Franklin County Ohio

Expert Response

Here is an Extension fact sheet on raccoon roundworms with a lot of good information: Raccoon Roundworm: Facts and Prevention. You will find recommendations for clean-up there.

A solution of bleach and water works well for cleaning hard surfaces. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do for the area of your yard where you washed the feces off. The disease is spread to humans by ingesting the eggs, which are shed in the raccoon's feces. It's not very likely you would contract the disease as long as you are practicing good hygiene - washing your hands when you come in from working in the yard and things like that. Encourage your kids to also wash their hands when coming in from playing in the yard. If you are concerned about your pets, I would recommend you contact your vet.

I know this disease sounds scary, but in fact few people have been diagnosed with an infection. Trappers, biologists, and others have handled raccoons for decades without complications, and people use habitats every day that contain many raccoons. Simply being aware of the roundworm and practicing good hygiene is probably the most important approach to avoiding infections of this parasite. Again, read the above fact sheet and let me know if you still have questions or concerns.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 22, 2015, 2:22 PM EDT

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