
Sick tree, healthy shrub, both unidentified #250004

Asked June 05, 2015, 3:30 PM EDT

Hi Expert!
I'm here between Denver and Boulder. Usually I just love it when trees and other living things plant themselves in my yard. I figure, if they moved here on their own, they must like my accommodations. I'm trying to have my own private forest, which is a real challenge in our one-digit humidity. A few years ago, a tree just spontaneously generated and was doing just fine -- until this spring, that is. Most of the upper part is leafless (about the top 12 feet) and just a couple lower branches look "normal." I don't know if it's an ash tree or what ... I know of one neighbor has euthanized a very large ash due to the green ash borer that is now among us. Is this an ash? Someone said they lost their peach tree because of a cold snap here in November. Could that be the culprit? Also, this very nice-looking shrub-like plant has sprung up. It's about three feet tall, with roundish leaves. Any idea of the ID?? Thanx!

Broomfield County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi there,

Your tree is not an ash tree. I can not 100% identify it from the pictures but I can tell you with certainty it is not an ash tree.

It is hard being a tree here in Colorado. The November frost and Mother's Day snow were both stressful events for wood plants and trees.

I also cannot identify the shrub from the pictures. Without being able to see the plants in person, it is difficult to get an accurate identification.

You can bring in samples into any extension office and they should be able to identify them for a small fee. Here is a link to the locations of all of the extension offices:

Depending on where you live, the closest office may be the Denver, Boulder or Broomfield county offices. 

Thank you so much.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 12, 2015, 10:51 AM EDT

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