
Can you tell me if my crab apple tree is dying or if it can be saved. #249901

Asked June 05, 2015, 11:00 AM EDT

So my crab apple tree blossomedin the spring but then all leaves started to curl up and no more leaves produced. Our other crab apple tree looks great. I did last year spray patio blocks and this year with weed and grass killer. The tree that looks as if it is dying has fun green fungus on tree trunk. No other plants that are under the tree have died. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to save it. The tree is a lout 10 yrs old I believe. Thanks for any advice you can give.

Johnson County Iowa

Expert Response

Thanks for contacting eXtension with this question.  The crabapple leaves are twisted and curled, leading me to believe that herbicide damage has occurred. It is possible the herbicide used beneath the tree was picked up by the roots of the crabapple tree. It may have been the concentration of the mixture sprayed or using the wrong herbicide for the situation. Waiting to see if the tree produces a new flush of growth yet this year will tell you if the herbicide actually killed the tree.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 29, 2015, 8:52 AM EDT

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