
What's Eating My Grapes? #249458

Asked June 03, 2015, 7:30 PM EDT

For three years I have had something eating my grapes.   I have tried everything recommended by local garden centers and none of it works.    Can you tell what it is and what I should do about it?   It's a healhy plant and produces grapes, they just get eaten.   It shows that I've downloaded a picture for you, but I don't see it.   I think you may have to click on it.   Thanks in advance for your help.

Denton County Texas

Expert Response

That is black rot, a fungal pathogen of foliage and fruit that is very difficult to control. Here is a fact sheet that can give you more info:
While copper or sulfur can be used to control downy mildew and powdery mildew, neither control black rot. Control is dependent on the use of commercial fungicides. We have a new pest control manual that may be of value

Hope this helps

Jim Kamas Replied June 05, 2015, 9:02 AM EDT

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