
Pear tree fungus? #246987

Asked May 25, 2015, 1:24 PM EDT

The last 2 years the fruit on my pear tree has an orange growth on it that kills the fruit. Can you take a look at the picture and give some advice on how I can address the issue or if I need to remove the tree?

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Your pear tree is infected by Pacific Coast Pear Rust. (If it's any consolation, many other pear trees in our region also have rust.) Certain kinds of rust are interesting fungi in that they require an alternate host (second host a different species) to be successful. With Pacific Coast Pear Rust the alternate host is incense cedar. Because of our mild winter this year, the cedars were infected with bright orange jelly-like blobs (the fungus) at the same time pears were in flower. Unfortunately, the spores from the jelly masses are airborne to the pears where they enter the flowers and infect the pears.

It's too late to spray this season. But there's hope for future years because Pacific Coast Pear Rust seldom has such perfect environmental conditions. Your strategy for the remainder of this year will include (1) good sanitation (collect and discard infected leaves and fruit); (2) remove and discard any infected woody parts; and (3) if the incense cedar is on your property, consider removing it.  Finally, mark your calendar to apply Bonide Fruit Tree and Plant Guard RTS when the pear tree is blooming next year.  Follow label directions for dilution rate as well as how to protect bees.

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