
Can I save my wisteria? #246771

Asked May 24, 2015, 12:22 PM EDT

I live in BC Canada. I hired a landscaper to transplant my thriving beautiful wisteria in early spring. He said he was experienced, but after the fact I learned that, even though he got as much of the root as possible (4ft down) he didn't put any food or fertilizer in the new hole. He didn't trim any of it back either and once it was replanted he completely hosed the whole thing down, top to bottom, also soaking the ground, even though it was in full sun on an extremely hot day at mid-day. I put bone meal on the ground near the trunk and have been soaking the ground very evening, but that's it. It's been four days and my poor wisteria looks brown, wilty and sad. Is there anything I can do to possibly save my once proud plant? I've attached before and after pictures. Please help. Feeling guilty :'(

County Outside United States

Expert Response

Transplanting trees, shrubs, and vines should be done when they are dormant in winter or early spring. Yours was leafed out, so it wasn't dormant. The leaves that were on the plant certainly will die, but if you are lucky new ones will come out. Water is the only thing that matters at this point. You need to keep the area around it very well watered until it recovers. Fertilizer won't help. The fact that he soaked it down doesn't help or hurt. Do not be in a hurry to remove it as the current foliage dies. I would wait at least a month or two to see if it will survive. 
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 26, 2015, 3:16 PM EDT

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