
Japanese Maple -- Bark damage #243545

Asked May 11, 2015, 8:54 PM EDT

Hi, I have a Japanese Maple that just recently incurred some significant bark damage. I am wondering what I should do about it? i have no idea what caused the damage. See the attached photos. Thanks, Ed

Douglas County Oregon

Expert Response

The bark tear wounds look like squirrel damage. Were there any bark pieces laying around near the tree? If so then it could have been torn off by a deer rubbing antlers, otherwise it was taken away as food. It is best to air dry any bark wounds. Putting wraps or tree seal on them doesn't help them callus. Making a spray once or twice a year to wounds with copper fungicides can help to keep them from being invaded by wood rotting fungi.  
The deep fissure wound was probably caused by sunburn when the tree was younger and has now callused and the wound wood is closing up over the damaged area. Again, there is nothing to put on the wound or canker to help it close.  It could also be beneficial to give it a copper spray occasionally.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 12, 2015, 5:19 PM EDT

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