
Invasive Plants #243399

Asked May 11, 2015, 1:26 PM EDT

I believe some of these plants are a type of wild violet, as suggested by the purple flower. I am concerned that some might be the dreaded Houttuynia cordata that caused me such trouble in years past. In any case, there are between two beds of decorative shrubs and plants and I am reluctant to use herbicides. Can you positively identify these plants and suggest a means of controlling them?

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

The three weeds present appear to be wild violet, creeping charlie and chrysanthemum weed. All very difficult to control with one application. Suggest using tryclopyr, spring or fall and follow label instructions. No chameleon weed appears to be present in the photos.

But there are garden bordering the sites.  (See attached photos.)  I don't want to harm my archangel, creeping mazus, pachysandra, lilacs, hydrangeas and so on.
The Question Asker Replied May 12, 2015, 10:43 AM EDT
Follow label instructions,you can protect neighboring plants by covering them with a 5 gallon bucket before spraying the herbicide.

Even a five gallon bucket will not cover the shrubs.  Even if it did, I would worry about the herbicide propagating through the soil.  And what about the archangel, pachysandra and creeping mazus?  How does one protect them?  Perhaps pulling the undesired residents by hand is the only solution.
The Question Asker Replied May 12, 2015, 10:56 AM EDT
Sorry for the confusion.  Actually, in your case it may be appropriate for you to paint the herbicide on the selected weeds.  This can be done with a paint brush or sponge brush or even a sponge mop.
Pulling the weeds is certainly an option, but will require persistence on your part.
Thanks for your comments.  Given the danger to the plants I wish to preserve, I will resort to the old fashioned technique of pulling up the invaders.
The Question Asker Replied May 12, 2015, 11:18 AM EDT

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