
Barely Any Berries #242659

Asked May 08, 2015, 9:31 AM EDT

Hi CSU Experts,
We've been growing blueberries and raspberries for about 4 years. The plants are healthy (see enclosed photos) but we've only had a few berries for each plant.
Can you help us out?
Thank You,
Eric S. 

Larimer County Colorado

Expert Response


Please tell me more about the culture of the raspberries. Do you know if they are summer bearing or fall bearing? When do you prune? Do you provide supplemental irrigation? Do you fertilize? Are the plants too crowded? There are many reasons as to why you may not be getting fruit. This PlantTalk script from CSU Extension addresses some of the common problems why raspberries don't produce:

And here is a Fact Sheet on raspberries for Colorado gardens (general information):

As for the blueberries, unfortunately, they are not going to be high-yielding plants. I assume you're growing them in peat moss bales? If they are in our native soil, it's unlikely you'll get any fruit, simply because our pH is too alkaline for blueberry production. The plants may be hardy, but you will likely only get leafy growth and few berries. If you have free lime in your soil (you can test for this by taking a bit of soil and dropping a few drops of vinegar on it to see if it fizzes), you will not be able to change the soil pH.

Blueberries only have marginal success when planted in peat moss bales, but be sure to check the irrigation and protect the shrub during winter (wrap in burlap).
Alison O'Connor, PhD Replied May 08, 2015, 12:55 PM EDT

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