
lilac/ash borer #241827

Asked May 05, 2015, 11:38 AM EDT

We have just treated our ash tree for the lilac/ash borer. What is the recommendation for other trees in our yard? Is there a preventative measure we should take? We have Japanese lilacs and lilac shrubs nearby.

Weld County Colorado

Expert Response



Weld County Colorado Master Gardeners Replied May 19, 2015, 4:52 PM EDT
This white Ash (Autumn Purple) is showing no sign of leafing out yet our green Ash trees and for that matter, all other trees in our yard, are fully leaved out. Is this to be expected as a result of the lilac/ash borer and the weather conditions last fall which created significant winter kill to many of the shrubs in our yard. At what point do I assume the damage to the tree was traumatic enough that this tree will not recover. I'm thinking if I see no leaves by the middle of June, I probably have a dead tree. Thank you!
The Question Asker Replied May 19, 2015, 7:33 PM EDT

Dear Anonymous,

Reading your question makes me feel that you already have an answer.  I agree with your assessments of the tree.  Yes it was a difficult winter, I don’t know about lilac ash borer from the photos but I’m sure you have examined the tree for exit holes on the trunk.  In addition to your assessments, it looks like the tree has a large but old wound on the trunk.  With the current moist, humid conditions trees under stress that are going to respond probably already show some encouraging signs.  It may just be the photo but I’m not even seeing ground suckers which are usually present if the tree is dying from lilac ash borer.  Given all the above, I agree, it looks like it’s a gonner!  You can wait or act now I don’t think anything positive is going to happen. 

Below are some links for the recommended trees for the area and general planting instructions.  Given the difficulties with ash and the threat of Emerald Ash Borer I encourage you to consider a different type of tree.  Especially since you seem to have several ash already.  Good luck with your new family member!

Janene Willey

Weld County Colorado Master Gardeners Replied May 20, 2015, 8:52 PM EDT

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