
Found a rather large bug in the dirt #237955

Asked April 18, 2015, 9:27 PM EDT

Not sure what it is...hoping the picture can help identify..mealworm?  grub worm?  cut worm?  a darkish red outer skeleton.  About 3 inches long..1/2 inch wide (big fella).   Was digging a hole to plant a perennial and there it was..

Can someone help identify?  Do we need to get rid of them if there are any more?  

Burleigh County North Dakota

Expert Response


Best guess is a white-lined sphinx moth pupal case.  That's the only insect that large I can think of that would be in a residential garden.  If you have fuschia plants (preferred host plant), keep an eye on them later in the spring for caterpillars.  Otherwise, don't worry about it.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 20, 2015, 10:34 AM EDT

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