
Pre-emergent crabgrass control #231245

Asked March 16, 2015, 1:30 PM EDT

I have a significant crabgrass problem in my lawn. I've spent a great deal of time over the past few years digging out crabgrass before it seeds but have found that this just hasn't worked. I want to try pre-emergent control and was hoping that you might recommend some specific products that are effective.

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

To help prevent crabgrass, reseed and thicken up your lawn in the fall, mow at 3 inches, and fertilize in the fall. In the spring, apply a crabgrass preemergent. For season-long crabgrass control, consider applying your preemergent twice (but make sure the product you choose does not contain fertilizer). Apply first in early spring when the forsythia blooms begin to fall from the shrub. Crabgrass germinates at 54°F, and this is coincident with the forsythia blossom drop. A second application of the product is necessary about 6 weeks later, usually in May. Click on the following publication on crabgrass for herbicides: Herbicides for Crabgrass and Goosegrass Control in Turf



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