
Spots on peaches #231055

Asked March 15, 2015, 10:55 AM EDT

"Encore" yellow, freestone peach; standard size peach tree, "late peach" variety, about 12 - 15 yrs old. Growing in alkaline soil, occasionally amended (top dressed) with peat moss and /or pea sulfur. Since maturity, it has borne peaches every year but one. Always made perfect, large peaches until last September, when about 15% of the crop had spots like pictured here. Questions: 1. What is it? 2. Will spraying the bare tree with lime-sulfur now help? 3. Do you have any other suggestions?

Cassia County Idaho

Expert Response

This is bacterial spot disease of peaches. It cannot be handled with fungicides. In fact, the best approach in the long run is to select the variety of your next fruit tree carefully and ensuring it is highly resistant to bacterial spot.

This disease is very weather dependent. In wet, cool, overcast years, it will be more problematic. You can spray the bark, twigs, and swelling (but not opening) buds with a fixed copper spray. Read the label carefully for the air temperature requirements for spraying.

Here is some more information on Cytospora Canker of Stone Fruits.


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