
Пчела Megachile rotundata #220822

Asked November 19, 2014, 1:38 AM EST

Good day! I am a farmer living in Russia in Siberia involved in seed alfalfa pollination .To apply Bee Megachile rotondata local population How to determine the exact name of my bees?
Regards Peter

County Outside United States

Expert Response

Peter, I am not exactly sure what you are asking in your question. Megachile rotundata (Fabricius) is the scientific name of the alfalfa leafcutter bee, also known as the lucerne bee in some areas. It belongs to the Order: Hymenoptera, Family: Megachilidae. That is the "exact name" of the bee. This is a Palaearctic species that has been transported to many areas of the world for pollination of alfalfa. As for your local population, I assume it is naturally occurring there. I do not know if there are any subspecies or races of this bee, that would be specific to Siberia. You would need a bee expert in Russia or Europe to tell you that. If you are asking if I can positively identify the bee in your photograph, unfortunately I cannot do that just from the photo. It certainly looks like Megachile rotundata and the fact that it is using the bee domicile would certainly suggest that it is indeed the alfalfa leafcutter bee. There is a lot of information about this bee on the internet, either under the name Megachile rotundata  or alfalfa leafcutter bee, which may give you additional information if you need it.

If this did not answer your question, please contact me again with a better explanation of exactly what information you are seeking, and I will certainly try to help.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied November 19, 2014, 6:18 PM EST

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