
Esperanza cuttings #219634

Asked November 06, 2014, 2:00 PM EST

Can I take some cuttings from a Esperanza (it has bloomed all summer) and propagate it this time of the year (early November zone 8b). It has flowers and seed pods on it.  Any tips for success would be appreciated.  

Brazos County Texas

Expert Response

Esperanza is very easy to propagate. For optimum success in rooting stem cuttings, take cuttings when first new growth is visible in spring. Stem cuttings root faster with bottom heat and misty conditions. You can achieve this without a greenhouse, by placing the container of cuttings inside a large plastic bag and sealing it.  Mist the soil as needed to maintain even moisture.

Seeds sprout easily, but plants grown from seeds aren't necessarily true to parents. Seed drop often results in new plant starts. These transplant easily and should bloom within about two years.

Remove seed pods and spent flowers to promote continual bloom of esperanza.


An Ask Extension Expert Replied November 06, 2014, 2:56 PM EST

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