
Dwarf fruit trees for Houston #216970

Asked October 14, 2014, 11:39 PM EDT

Hello, We want to plant fruit trees in our yard but we have limited space.  So we are interested in dwarf fruit trees.  What dwarf fruit trees are best suited for Houston, Texas (zone 9a)?  Specifically mango, lemon, banana, papaya, date, and olive trees.  We've searched for information and mostly found information on dwarf fruit trees grown in containers.  Will planting these dwarf fruit trees in the ground affect their growth? What should we look for to ensure we're buying a "dwarf" fruit tree?  We'd appreciate your suggestions and guidance.  Thank you, Sharon & Eugene

Harris County Texas

Expert Response

The attached link has information on all of the species that you are interested in growing.

Thanks for the question.
Paul Winski Replied October 16, 2014, 3:44 PM EDT

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