
Live Oak tree with Black Spots on Leaves #216659

Asked October 12, 2014, 11:28 PM EDT

We have 5 live oak trees and are worried that this tree's problem could spread to the others.This tree has a sentimental value since it was a house gift from my wife's parents 18 years ago, whom have since both passed on. About a year ago this tree started losing some of its leaves. It has been dropping leaves (off and on but mostly ON) with these black spots. I paid someone to come out and investigate. He said it really looked healthy. No dead spots, anywhere, and said it might be a fungus but other than watering it and putting a drench on it for insects anually, there was nothing else to do, and the tree is FINE. We like our yard to be neat and clean. We are very concerned about the tree and tired of continually raking its leaves. Please take a look and help us with any suggestions you may have. Thank You, SMM

Ellis County Texas

Expert Response

Looks like anthracnose or similar fungal disease that affects the vegetation(not vascular) an approved/labeled fungicide may help prior to and at time of infection, but will not affect old or current damage. Usually only see these leaf type infections in spring and or fall when environmental conditions are favorable for the fungus. I would like to see a picture of the entire tree and surroundings. I wonder about air flow, shade etc that would be causing this much damage. There will always be a few or some leaves that may show problem but on a healthy tree, I would not expect to see this much unless we have some other factors at work. I don't think this is life threatening to the tree, but there may be a few things we can do to lessen the situation? please send more photos or contact me with address if local and we can go from there to try to find a suitable fix. My office is at 701 S I-35 in Waxahachie, phone is<personal data hidden>, cell<personal data hidden>,. email <personal data hidden> Look forward to hearing from you.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 16, 2014, 10:26 AM EDT

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