
Pine Tree Yellowing #213603

Asked September 22, 2014, 10:06 AM EDT

There is a pine tree - around 4 feet tall, planted last year - that is in front of my home.  On the one side the needles are turning yellow and the new buds don't look healthy.  It is in grass which is on a scheduled watering cycle and has mulch underneath it.  Could this be lack of water?

Jefferson County Colorado

Expert Response

2-3 photos would really help; can you send a few photos?  
Without any photos I'll respond generally that it could be a lack of water....if your pine was balled-and-burlapped or containerized, it may be that your lawn watering is not wetting the entire rootball of the pine tree. 

Keep in mind that some yellowing, then browning and drop of interior/innermost needles (the oldest needles on the twigs) is normal for pines - they lose oldest needles every fall, as in photos below.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 24, 2014, 1:01 PM EDT

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