
Is it O.K. to use peppermint oil as a spider and mouse deterrent? #212564

Asked September 15, 2014, 5:09 PM EDT

Are there any contraindications for using peppermint oil as a spider and mouse deterrent? We would be spraying it around the outside foundation. We don't want to attract bees or other flying insects.

Linn County Oregon

Expert Response

There hasn't been detailed research on the use of peppermint essential oil to deter spiders or mice.  However, there also hasn't been research demonstrating that peppermint essential oil attracts insects or animals.  What I did see was that any general deterrent effect lasts only about two hours so you may want to consider other physical control measures, as well.

The University of Nebraska has a very detailed guide to controlling the entry of mice and other rodents.  

And some specific tips for reducing spider numbers in your home:
  • Routine, thorough house cleaning is the best way to eliminate spiders and discourage their return. A vacuum cleaner or broom effectively removes spiders, webs, and egg sacs.
  • Spiders prefer quiet, undisturbed areas such as closets, garages, basements, and attics. Reducing clutter in these areas makes them less attractive to spiders.
  • Large numbers of spiders often congregate outdoors around the perimeter of structures. Migration indoors can be reduced by moving firewood, building materials, and debris away from the foundation. Shrubs, vines and tree limbs should be clipped back from the side of the building.
  • Install tight-fitting window screens and door sweeps to exclude spiders and other insects. Inspect and clean behind outdoor window shutters.
  • Consider installing yellow or sodium vapor light bulbs at outside entrances. These lights are less attractive than incandescent bulbs to night-flying insects which, in turn, attract spiders.
From: Eliminating Spiders Around Homes and Buildings

Hope this helps and thanks for using Ask An Expert!

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