
I purchased a pear tree f... #209590

Asked August 28, 2014, 8:01 PM EDT

I purchased a pear tree from a big box store and it was labeled "oriental pear". After several years, it's been producing fruit, but they never seem to ripen. I've tried picking them from august thru October and leaving them out until they shrivel up, but they never seem to ripen. I keep testing them while they sit around. Can you identify the type of pear and correct harvesting practices for that kind?

Carroll County Maryland

Expert Response

Your pear does not look like a oriental pear. It looks like a Bartlett, but we cannot say for sure. Non-oriental pears ripen best off the tree.  Briefly you grab a pear and tilt it and if it comes off the tree easily, it is ready to be picked.  Then it will require about a week to ripen.  vw

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