
Spruce Trees Dying #209311

Asked August 27, 2014, 2:45 PM EDT

I have three spruce trees outside my kitchen window.  Have been there for over 20 years  The center one is Blue Spruce and seems unaffected so far.  The two on either side are Regular Spruce and failing.

The one on the left started showing signs of degeneration last year, a few feet from the top (total 12-15 feet tall)  And continued to kill in a downarward spiral a big section of branches.  The one on the right began loosing needles this year. again in one branch below the top, and appears to be spreading.  I have seen Pine Beetle before and this does not look like that.  I also am familliar with Tussock Moths, but I don't see any cacoons, or bugs, or anything on the branches.  
Can you enlighten me?  should i cut them down?, spray them?  How can I be sure to save at least the Blue Spruce, but hopefully all three.  Do I need An on sight Consultation?

Jefferson County Colorado

Expert Response

The "downward spiral" observation suggests that one major root of the affected tree has been injured - has there been any construction or trenching in the area in the last couple years?  How about any grade changes - additional soil added over the existing soil in the last couple years?  

The problem may not be due to an insect or disease, so spraying a fungicide or insecticide may be a waste of time and money.

Suggest you ask the CSU Extension in Jeffco for a site visit, 303.271-6620; there will be a fee for this service.

Or contact a Consulting Arborist

An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 03, 2014, 8:37 PM EDT

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