
My orchard has a problem #208735

Asked August 25, 2014, 11:03 AM EDT

Apparently looks like a fungal infection (maybe during the blossom period), but I've never seen this before.
It affects 60% of the fruits.

Country: Portugal
Variety: Rocha Pear

Thanks in advance

County Outside United States

Expert Response

Hello -

It is difficult to tell from the photos, but this may be Pear Scab:

The lesions look silmiar to apple scab (although Pear Scab is somewhat different, there are details below): 
Here is a link to other pear diseases: 

Is the inside of the pear hard? There is a virus that causes stony pit (if you are not familiar with that disease).

I'm not familiar with your common diseases, so at this point I cannot give a confirmation. The above links should get you in the right direction, though.

Thanks for your question!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 29, 2014, 9:17 PM EDT

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