
Winter Burn: Dwarf Alberta Spruce #207699

Asked August 19, 2014, 5:27 PM EDT

My dwarf alberta spruce shrubs were hit hard by the long periods of snow and ice last winter.  This Spring, they were totally brown.  A friend advised to treat the shrubs with Ironite.  Sure enough, they started to green up and look 85% better now.  I've also applied Miracle Grow about once a month over the summer to feed them.  Do you think that the remaining dead patches will fill in and heal?

Livingston County Michigan

Expert Response

They may. The DAS (Dearf Alberta Spruce) took a severe hit this last winter surprising many of us in the nursery industry. There are other garden pests that affect DAS as well though. Try spraying your bush with a vigorous spray of water twice over a two week period. The damage might be from spider mites after the winter damage. Don't prune until you have a good assessment of the damage and the plants resilience to it. In fact with DwarfAlberta Spruce you shouldn't prune at all until damage control is finished. Thank you for using Ask An Expert System
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 19, 2014, 5:59 PM EDT

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