Why are my grapes turning... - Ask Extension
Why are my grapes turning dark and drying up before they ripen?
Why are my grapes turning... #199835
Asked July 16, 2014, 3:48 PM EDT
Why are my grapes turning dark and drying up before they ripen?
Howard County Maryland
Expert Response
The grapes in the photo looks like they were subject to black rot, a
fungal disease. Black rot cannot be cured once the grapes are infected,
but it can be prevented by adhering to a fungicide spray schedule
beginning at bud-break and continuing every 7-10 days through the
growing season and until the grapes change color. Minimize black rot
problems by removing infected fruit, cleaning up mummies, and pruning
out leaves that surround fruit clusters. See fruit links from Va Tech http://www.virginiafruit.ento.vt.edu/ and Penn State http://extension.psu.edu/plants/gardening/fphg/grapes