
Live Oak Tree lack of growth this spring #196990

Asked July 06, 2014, 11:03 AM EDT

We have two live oaks planted at the same time, yet one doesn't have near the growth as the other.  The smaller tree with a lack of growth shows leafs slightly yellow in color.  Significant rock (limestone) was removed to plant each tree roughly 8'-9' apart. Both tree's have been in the ground for 4 years.  This is the first year the smaller Oak has manifested virtually no new growth.  Any suggestions as to why the lack of growth or new shoots would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you

Williamson County Texas

Expert Response

This looks like oak decline- unusual for a young tree. Oak decline is a disease complex affecting trees under stress. In Texas, drought and urban stress are factors most often associated with infection. Trees having oak decline show a slow decline with a reduction in leaf size. The first noticeable symptom is failure of the tree tomake normal top growth. Small twigs die and there is an overall thinning of the canopy. Twig dieback continues with larger and larger limbs being killed. Eventually the only limbs alive are main scaffold limbs covered with small tufts of growth. This process may take several years depending upon environmental conditions. Continued stress hastens tree death.  Based on past history, damage from oak decline can be expected during periods of extended drought.

Oak decline can be prevented on live oak with a program utilizing both cultural and chemical practices. Positive identification is made with the aid of laboratory procedures. Once a tree has been diagnosed as having oak decline, follow a complete maintenance program involving fertilizer application, deep watering during summer months, pruning and removal of dead or weak limbs. Treat trees in early stages of decline; destroy those that have no chance of recovery. Treat valuable trees with the systemic fungicide, Arbotect, sometime between June and October. Repeat treatment the following summer.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 07, 2014, 11:47 AM EDT

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