
How can I kill dayflower weed? #196654

Asked July 03, 2014, 11:57 PM EDT

Dayflower weed is taking over a large planting bed in my front lawn. I dug it all up last year, being careful to remove all of the roots. This spring it came back as thick as before. I applied Round-Up to it just as the weeds emerged. Other than a little yellowing on the leaves, the weed is thriving. Are there any other herbicides that will kill it? Will smothering the bed in weed barrier and several inches of mulch kill it? Help!

Tarrant County Texas

Expert Response

It is indeed a hard weed to kill , as you found Round up doesnt do a great job of keeping it under control. You will have to use a brush and weed killer to have better luck, as Roundup is designed for grassy weeds. Smothering it with weed barrier and mulch is always an option that will help to keep it under control!!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 07, 2014, 12:46 PM EDT
Thanks for the response. Can you tell me what active ingredient would be most effective? Also, will a weed barrier and mulch kill the dayflower after a while or just prevent it from being visible in the flower bed?
The Question Asker Replied July 08, 2014, 1:50 PM EDT
Yw. Triclopyr is one of the more common active ingredients as far as a brush and weed killer and is a common one in the Ortho line ? Depending on which brand you buy, it could be a different one? The weed barrier and mulch can and should kill the weed in the bed, not saying it wont escape out the end or something? As you know its a tough weed!!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 08, 2014, 3:57 PM EDT

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