
What kind of bug is this? #195122

Asked June 28, 2014, 4:24 PM EDT

Found in our veggie garden, on the pumpkin plant. About 3 in long, can fly. I've never seen this before!

Linn County Iowa

Expert Response


Thank you for your message and for contacting Iowa State University Extension & Outreach.  You are among the few gardeners walking the face of the earth who have seen the ADULT stage of the squash vine borer.  Most gardeners are familiar withe the pudgy, wrinkled white larvae that destroy squash and pumpkin stems.  Few ever know where they come from!  You have seen and nicely photographed the adult stage. 

Read more about the squash vine borer on our website at

May we keep your photo to use on our website and in our classes?  We'll add your name, county and date to the photo if you desire.


Donald Lewis

Donald R. Lewis Replied July 01, 2014, 11:04 AM EDT
Awesome... I think... I did observe it I believe laying eggs.  It was curling it's abdomen and pressing repeatedly the tip/tail end to the leaves.  I can not see any eggs with my naked eye, but how should I go about eradicating the eggs before the slugs hatch?

It was also super skittish, I had to stalk it for 5-10 minutes to get a photo!  But I'm glad I did now!  Yes you may use my photo, please include my info with it.

The Question Asker Replied July 01, 2014, 11:41 AM EDT
Ha, I should probably make sure you have my info:) 

Tara O'Brien-Lane
Linn Co.

Thanks again!
The Question Asker Replied July 01, 2014, 11:45 AM EDT
Thanks, Tara.

Have a good week, and hope for drier weather!

Donald Lewis
Donald R. Lewis Replied July 01, 2014, 2:03 PM EDT

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